What You Need to Know About Stump Grinding

Stump grinder machines are used to take away the dead and dying tree roots from sidewalks, driveways, and roads without causing any damage to the soil or the ground. They also help to eliminate backwash or water pollution caused by heavy rains, snowstorms, or other unexpected downpours. Their powerful rotary blades, which are shaped like an S-shaped hook, can easily grind through tough root systems and tree roots to remove the debris. A rotary stump grinder is ideal for working in shallow wet soils or when the ground is very wet.

Stump grinders are usually the size of a small lawnmower or even as large as a small truck. Most achieve their task effectively through a high speed rotating disk with sharp teeth that grind directly into the stump in a very short time. Rotary grinders are also known as "shredder" models and can quickly shred up to a quarter of an acre of ground in one operation. This is great for yards where you don't need to do a lot of stumping or tree trimming. They are especially useful when working in moist soil or wood, because their penetrating blades cut deep into the wood from the center out, unlike regular shovels which have to penetrate the soil first. And since rotary grinders operate at maximum speed, they can clear your yard in just a few hours.

When using stump grinding equipment, it's important to remember some important safety precautions. These include wearing hard hats and gloves, making sure you are going to the job with the proper tools, making sure nothing falls on them and getting help right away if something does. Also, remember to never let a child go ahead and dig up your yard. The sawdust left behind can seriously injure a child. It can also spread fungus and harmful chemicals to your yard if not cleaned up promptly.

Some other tips include never working in areas that have been heavily damaged by previous storms or water. You might want to ask a contractor about stump grinding services before undertaking such work so the damage is lessened. Plus, you don't want to end up hiring a contractor to remove all your wood chips on your own.

Sometimes wood chippings from a tree stump can become infected with fungi and other organisms. If this is the case, it is important to leave the grinding operation alone until the matter has been cleared up. Otherwise, the chippings could release harmful spores into the air and contaminate other trees. The wood chips can lie stagnant for years without being harvested and will eventually kill a nearby tree or two. Stump grinding shouldn't be left until all contaminated material has been cleaned up.

Most people are aware that stump grinding can help remove old growth on a new tree. However, many homeowners are unaware that it can also help remove unwanted matter from the soil. Removing this unwanted matter from the soil not only improves the soil's overall health, but it improves the health of nearby plants. Landscaping companies specialize in removing unwanted matter from the soil so homeowners can enjoy a healthy yard, garden, and landscaping.

Stump Grinding Cost


Like most people, you would probably like to remove the stump after chopping down a tree in your yard. If you do not, you will always need to mow around it, and it may be somewhat unsightly. There are numerous unique methods to remove a stump, but the quickest and most effective way is to grind it off. Stump grinding is the preferred method to remove a stump, and stump grinding costs vary depending on if you do it yourself or allow the professionals handle it for you. This guide outlines some stump grinding price information below.

Professional Stump Grinding Prices

Typically, it is best to hire a professional to mill away stumps on your property. It could be more expensive on the start, but imagine how much more costly it is to rent a stump grinder and employ a professional after you don't remove a stump successfully.

Our study shows that the average cost to grind a stump ranges from $100 to $400 per stump with an average cost per diameter of $3. If you grind the stump it yourself may cost you as little as $75 to rent a stump grinder for half a day, or $250 to $400 for a complete day.

1 thing to understand is that different companies charge for this service based on various criteria. For example:

  • From the diameter of the Stump -- The average cost per diameter is 3 , and most firms charge a minimum of $100. For those who have several stumps to grind, then you should work out the average width of the group, multiply it by the amount of stumps and then multiply that by how much is billed per inch. By way of instance, if you have 50 stumps to grind and the average diameter is 10 inches, then you've got 500 inches to grind. If the provider charges $3 per inch, then your total bill will be $1,500.
  • From the Hour -- Businesses only charge for stump grinding from the hour if they're clearing huge expanses of land which have dozens or hundreds of stumps. The average cost per hour for this sort of service, which can be managed by a huge, heavy-duty stump grinder, is about $150. Hardly any homeowners ever should avail themselves of this sort of stump grinding service.
  • From the Stump -- This is most likely the most frequent way in which firms charge for stump grinding services. To arrive at the complete stump grinding price, you simply have to know how many stumps will need to be handled. Generally, the business will charge around $100-$200 for the first stump and a discounted rate for each additional stump. They may also charge a flat rate of $500 for 10 stumps and $25 to $30 for every extra stump.

DIY Stump Grinder Rental Rates & Considerations

If you like taking things into your own hands, you might want to Rent a stump grinder and eliminate that wily stump yourself. Before attempting to do so though, keep a few things in mind. For one, the stump grinder you lease likely won't be strong enough to handle one that is too large. Lease stump grinders work best for older, very rotted stumps and stumps which are extremely small. They do not grind quite far below grade , so the final result might not be quite what you had expected. If the situation warrants it renting a stump grinder can help save you money.

So far as stump grinder rental price goes, you can expect to pay between $75 and $150 to lease it for half a day. If you need it to get a whole day, you will pay between $250 and $400. Is it worthwhile? That is dependent upon how much the expert stump grinding businesses in your area typically charge. Sunbelt Rentals permits you to enter in your zip code to see stump grinder gear rates at one of the 450 locations nearest to you.

Stump Grinder Specifications

You will want to make sure you listen to the specifications of The different types and versions of stump grinders to your work. Here are specs you will generally see, but pay particular attention to cutting capability as it pertains to your own tree stump. Make certain to ask your local expert if you are unsure about the importance and need for any of them.

  • Cutter Wheel
  • Cutting Ability Above Ground
  • Cutting Capacity Below Ground
  • Height
  • Length
  • Power Supply
  • Weight
  • Width

With this information in mind, you should have a pretty clear handle on how much it will cost to grind away the stumps in your premises, Which will make it easier to shop around for the best bargain.



Cutting Down Trees

Mother Earth has given us many warnings
The natural disasters, the global warming
All these years abusing the soil and the air
All these years of education and still some seem unaware

Going on as if there's nothing left to lose
Going on as if there are no new choices to choose
So many options, so many ways to help
Still so many people think less about the planet and more about themselves

We're still throwing out paper
We're still building skyscrapers
We still refuse to recycle
Drive more than we walk or cycle
So much waste in the land of the free
We're still cutting down trees

Just across the street they're re-purposing an old shop
A business is expanding and hoping that you'll stop
Stop by to have a coffee and a muffin to start your day
But there's one small thing that may keep me away

I'm a sensitive soul and am moved very easily
The simplest images can bring me to tears or make me feel guilty
Today I saw the tree cutters and I felt anger grab a hold
Why would they chop a piece of nature's bounty with all that we now know?

We're still throwing out paper
We're still emitting harmful vapors
We still refuse to reuse
Put far too much stock into "new"
So much waste in the land of the free
I can't believe we're still cutting down trees

As if they were some pesky weeds
We're still cutting down trees...

Why You Should Hire a Professional Stump Grinder

Why You Should Hire a Professional Stump Grinder

stump grinding

Learning how to stump grind is something you may want to consider if you are in the market for a good bargain. This can save you money as well as time. Stump grinding is a process that has been used for centuries and requires a bit of patience. You don't have to own a piece of property to try to stump grinding. Don't really need special tools either. In fact, you probably already own many of the tools you would need.

A simple chainsaw, a grinder, and some timber to work with will be all you need to start stump grinding your own. Renting a stump grinder such as this would run you between $150 and $300 a day. You'd also be wise to factor in the cost of the gas or truck to drive and transport the grinder to and from your site. Depending on your size of the project, it may be cheaper to simply hire a stump grinding firm to do the job. These are also very affordable when you compare them to some of the services a chainsaw company would charge.

Stump grinding is a wonderful DIY project that can provide some gratification as well as save a few bucks. DIY stump removal is especially helpful when trying to get rid of a tree stump that is out of control. Sometimes just removing the whole thing can be overwhelming. Trying to get rid of the root ball (the dead tree stump) alone can be extremely challenging and laborious. When you remove the roots in one area, this can often mean getting rid of the entire tree stump.

If you do have a large tree stump grinding job, you'll probably want to call in professional help. Even if you're handy with tools and find stump grinding a breeze, some tree stump grinding is an area best left to the professionals. They can use a stump grinding machine to quickly and easily grind down the tough tree stumps leaving the ground over a completely clean surface. You won't have to worry about getting rid of the stump and having a huge mess to clean up. In fact, some homeowners actually prefer stump grinding over blasting their yard because the noise from the machine is much less than what you would experience if you blasted the entire yard.

So you might be thinking that you don't need a commercial DIY stump removal service, but you really need a professional company for one simple reason: safety. Tree stump grinding is considered hazardous work in most jurisdictions. While you can find a number of online videos that show homeowners performing the grinding process safely, the safety factor must not be overlooked. You want to ensure that you use a reputable residential tree service to perform this task. You don't just hire anyone to run a DIY stump removal machine in your neighborhood.

Professional stump grinders will wear safety gear including heavy-duty gloves and ear protectors. They will also use high-quality tools made out of solid steel. When high-powered equipment makes contact with live or dead tree roots, there is always a risk of damage or injury. You never know when the blades of a grinding machine could snap or the drill bit could snag a finger. With proper training and practice, you can safely remove trees and stump for good.

A Look At Several Maple Tree Diseases

tar spots maple leaves Maple Tree Diseases

Maple tree diseases can strike even established healthy trees, but the best preventive measure remains to do those things which lead to keeping a tree fit and healthy. Sometimes a disease can't be prevented, and often can't be detected early enough to be able to take effective action. Fortunately most maple tree diseases are not all that widespread, and not all diseases will result in the death of a tree.

Stress Can Cause A Problem - Maple trees in urban areas are usually more at risk than those growing in the wild and rural areas. Maple trees growing near streets are particularly vulnerable, as they are exposed to both air and groundwater pollution and at times to salt which may be spread on roadways in the winter. These conditions often put a great deal of stress on the trees, sometimes resulting in dropped leaves or dying branches. While not exactly classified as a disease, these stresses can certainly weaken a maple tree, making it more susceptible to any number of diseases, most of which are caused by some type of a fungus.

maple leaf spots Maple Tree Diseases

Not All Fungi Are The Same

Some types of fungus-related maple tree diseases will eventually kill a tree, and may if not checked, spread to other trees. Other types can disfigure a tree, weaken it, or both. Still other types of fungus will disfigure leaves and possibly buds or branches temporarily, but are not particularly serious and treatment may not be required.

Several diseases can strike not only maple trees but other hardwood trees as well. If an elm or oak for example becomes diseased, the disease may or may not spread to a nearby maple tree, or may not have any effect on a maple tree. Some fungal infections only strike a particular type of tree, while others may affect several types.

Powdery Mildew, Tar Spot, And Sooty Mildew - There are maple tree diseases that, while making the tree temporarily unsightly, do little permanent harm, and usually do not require treatment. One of these is Powdery Mildew. Powdery mildew can strike many different kinds of hardwoods, including the maple, but some, like the beech tree, tend to be more susceptible. The mildew can form a white coating on the leaves, usually on the undersides, and the condition may last until the leaves drop naturally, and may or may not reappear the following season.


Tar Spot is another disease that affects the maple and several other hardwoods. Large, dark, and unsightly tar spots appear on the leaves, remaining there until the leaves finally drop. Tar Spot is generally not regarded as a serious problem. A third common disease is Sooty Mildew. This is caused by fungi growing on juices emanating from the leaves or honeydew deposited by insects. The tree itself is not being attacked, so Sooty Mildew is not a serious problem.

verticillium wilt maple leaves Maple Tree Diseases

Maple Wilt - Maple Wilt is the most common of the maple tree diseases. This disease, caused by the verticillium fungus, begins in the root system and spreads up into the trunk and branches. Maple Wilt is also called Verticillium Wilt. It is a serious disease that will often kill all but the healthiest and largest maples. An affected tree usually needs to be cut down to prevent the fungus from spreading.

Sapstreak - Another fatal disease is Sapstreak, also a fungal disease. Sapstreak usually affects only the sugar maple, and not only kills the tree, but makes the wood unusable for commercial purposes in the process.

Canker - Canker is yet another disease that is observed as disfiguration and boils in the bark and on branches. The cankers are symptoms of the underlying fungal disease. This disease usually affects individual branches rather than the entire tree, and is usually treatable through a combination of fungicide application and the pruning away dead and diseased branches.

Fungal infections, which account for most of the maple tree diseases, can be difficult to contend with or treat. The best measure is of course to attempt to make the tree and the area around it as inhospitable as possible to fungi. The best preventative is a healthy, established tree that is well cared for.

Eastern Pine Shoot Borer

Eastern Pine Shoot Borer

Symptoms of a eastern pine shoot borer problem

When you notice shoots beginning to wilt, turn yellow and drop its time to take action. The first evidence of an attack occurs about mid-June when the outer 6 to 8 inches begin to droop and turn yellow. Frequently the shoot breaks over or drops off near the base of the attack, leaving a distinctive flat stub. Terminal shoots are more susceptible to attack than lateral shoots. Some shoots, especially on Douglas-fir, may wilt and droop before yellowing and resemble a shepherd’s hook. They cause trees to become stunted and crooked; crooks and forks develop after terminal shoots are killed. The general crown shape of the tree is ruined when lateral shoots are killed. The wound caused by the broken shoot can be an open invitation to disease-causing organisms.

Eastern Pine Shoot Borer larvae

If you think your trees are being damaged by the eastern pine shoot borer, contact us now!

The reason for the problem…is the eastern pine shoot borer Eucosma gloriole, also known as the white pine tip moth, American pine shoot moth, and white pine shoot borer. It has been recorded on many conifers, especially pines. It prefers eastern white and Scotch pines but has been observed feeding on jack, red, Austrian, pitch, and mugo pines. It also occurs occasionally on spruce and Douglas-fir. Although it attacks trees up to 30 ft. tall, it is most injurious to trees 3 to 8 ft. tall.


Adult eastern pineshoot borers emerge in late April to mid-May or soon after the buds burst. The moths are rarely seen during the day and fly short distances between trees only when disturbed. Mating and egg-laying occur at night. After mating, each female usually deposits one egg on the needle sheaths on each of several different new shoots. Within 2 weeks the larva emerges from the egg and bores into the shoot adjacent to the needle fascicle, or occasionally behind a cone or bark scale along the shoot. It mines downward in the pith, the gallery widening as the larva grows. When nearly mature, the larva cuts into the woody portion of the stem, usually near the base of the gallery.

Eastern Pine Shoot Borer closeup

You should…keep a watch on your conifers in-between visits and let us know if you notice any of the above-mentioned symptoms.

We can help by…deep root-feeding your trees using organic tree fertilizers coupled with a systemic insecticide designed to control this problem internally which will eliminate the need for messy tree spraying that could potentially drift or injury beneficial insects.

What You Need to Know About Stump Grinding

Stump grinder machines are used to take away the dead and dying tree roots from sidewalks, driveways, and roads without causing any damage t...