Cutting Down Trees

Mother Earth has given us many warnings
The natural disasters, the global warming
All these years abusing the soil and the air
All these years of education and still some seem unaware

Going on as if there's nothing left to lose
Going on as if there are no new choices to choose
So many options, so many ways to help
Still so many people think less about the planet and more about themselves

We're still throwing out paper
We're still building skyscrapers
We still refuse to recycle
Drive more than we walk or cycle
So much waste in the land of the free
We're still cutting down trees

Just across the street they're re-purposing an old shop
A business is expanding and hoping that you'll stop
Stop by to have a coffee and a muffin to start your day
But there's one small thing that may keep me away

I'm a sensitive soul and am moved very easily
The simplest images can bring me to tears or make me feel guilty
Today I saw the tree cutters and I felt anger grab a hold
Why would they chop a piece of nature's bounty with all that we now know?

We're still throwing out paper
We're still emitting harmful vapors
We still refuse to reuse
Put far too much stock into "new"
So much waste in the land of the free
I can't believe we're still cutting down trees

As if they were some pesky weeds
We're still cutting down trees...

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